Online Journey for HSP - 3 Steps

Stop struggling with your sensitivity. Trust your heart and intuition. Express your potential in work and life.

Pricing Options

FHTH Full Journey 4 payments of 257 /month
FHTH Full Journey *Recommended Plan 997

Order Summary

    Online Journey for HSP - 3 Steps 997
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        I learned that it’s ok to take more space for myself, dare to stand for who I am and allow what I want in my life (in all aspects). Thanks so much Sabijn!

        Marieke, legal expert and intuitive


        Just to be more aware of my boundaries has been so important. It has changed my life. Not to feel strange, weak or inadequate because I am wired differently. I am more loving towards myself and more confident. Thank you!

        Ophelia, Artist & Teacher

        When you don't have a creditcard or paypal account: send me an email so I can send you an invoice with payment link:

        kind regards, Sabijn