Thrive as HSP: Reduce overwhelm. Love yourself. Express your Potential
My name is Sabijn Arts. I am a consultant, trainer and psychologist specializing in high sensitivity and intuition since 2000.
Here your will find tools, workshops and retreats to support you in authentically being yourself and expressing your heart and potential in personal and professional life.
Take a look at the possibilities and
e-mail or call me when you have any questions!
It's my mission to support you in
1. Loving and accepting your highly sensitive being.
It can be hard to feel different, right?
2. Understanding how your sensitivity works and how to prevent overwhelm (the top struggle of hsp).
Taking back your power!
3. Deepening clarity, trust and compassionate connection with your feelings and intuition.
Use your great hsp strengths: Intuition and Empathy
4. Asserting yourself with confidence, prevent taking on emotions and stepping into your strengths.
(Energetic) Boundaries and soul alignment are key!
In these 4 modules you will learn to
1. Understand your unique hsp
2. Prevent overwhelm
3. Create your hsp clarity map
3. Get clear on your joy & values and make life style decisions that work for you
In these 3 modules you will learn to
1. Reduce overthinking and doubt, be more compassionate with yourself.
2. Connect with, trust and act on your intuition and feelings.
3. Heal inner wounds, be a loving parent for yourself and change old patterns.
In these 4 modules you will learn to
1. Prevent taking on emotions of others
2. Assert yourself hsp style and thrive in relationships
3. Express your strengths and connect with your spiritual support system.
Get immediate access to all 3 steps and do the full From Head to Heart® Online Training with a €350/ $379 dollar discount!
In the live workshops I will guide you through the steps of the From Head to Heart Online Training. Great if you want to focus, be sure to get 'the work' done and would love to connect with me and like minded hsp live.
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You can also UPGRADE to working with Sabijn in person
Limited Availability
The VIP Package consists of 8 private (online) sessions, 3 live online workshops, 8 times voxer support and the Full From Head to Heart Online Journey
Book a free discovery call to connect with Sabijn and see if this is your way.
Costs €3000,- $3254,- excl. VAT
Over the years Sabijn Arts has been featured as a guest author and speaker in several books, magazines and podcasts on high sensitivity, happiness, intuition, parenting and valued based living
From Head to Heart is a beautiful practical, grounded creative , heart centered journey. It is build on the strong foundation of my traditional psychological expertise, integrated with energy work and intuition. Not focusing on one aspect of your hsp, but at the totality of who you are, while tapping into your strengths. Other courses focus on one of the pillars and not on all 3 necessary components to thrive as a highly sensitive.
Furthermore it is a very extensive professional program compared to other e-courses:
Every module consists of:
* a video, textbook, and audio on the theme of that module.
* clarity sheets
* intuitive journaling exercises
* guided grounded visualisations and energy-sheets
* get creative focus & visionboard
* selfcare date
Yes. There is zero financial risk in buying the program. If within the first 15 days, you feel that this program was not meant for you, then I’m happy to offer a full refund. All you have to do is show that you’ve completed your exercises and activities of Module 1, so I know that you were committed to your personal growth through the program and gave it your all.
The modules in the step you buy, are delivered to you at once. All of the content is housed in a private Members’ portal, accessible by a unique login you’ll receive when you sign up. The material has lifetime access, which means ‘for the life of the program.’ (You will be given plenty of notice before anything is ever taken down and you can download whatever you need onto your computer).
My advice would be to take 2-4 weeks for each module, depending on your time, personal intention and unique situation.
I have participants who 'only' do the video and claritysheets, with great results, that takes about 2-3 hours per module.
There are also participants who do every exercise and who love the creative focus (which takes some time), that will take about 10 hours per module.
Sometimes participants focus on a few modules and a year later do some more or revisit.
The content is designed to be enjoyable, valuable and nourishing, not depleting, restrictive or heavy in any way. So find your own flow. You have lifetime access.
You can work with Sabijn in the live Online Workshops or get personal support in 1-on-1 private sessions.
You will need a computer, tablet or smartphone to login to the private Member’s portal. Once inside the Member’s area you can view the videos, listen to audios and read the PDFs. You can download all of the exercises to your computer, print them out and complete at your own pace.
The biggest percentage of partipants identify as woman, but we are a safe inclusive community. Whether you are part of the LGBTQI+ community or belong to a minority group in whatever way, you are very welcome and safe in our community and we are happy to support you on your HSP journey.
There are many things I love about my hsp. I have a deep connection to nature. I love art, good food and beauty in all its forms. I'm creative, wise and super intuitive. But that’s not to say it hasn’t come without its challenges - like dealing with overstimulation, learning how to assert myself, listening to and honouring my own needs, and learning to let go of feelings of guilt and overwhelm. I know you know what I’m talking about... I want you to know you don't have to hide away and make yourself smaller. Your sensitivity is not a problem to be ‘fixed’. You can be present and proud of who you are and expand fully into the person you came here to be.
My story is probably a lot like yours. As a young child, I felt the energies and emotions of people and my surroundings very clearly. An angry teacher, or upset friend or parent could affect me deeply. I learnt very quickly to adjust to the expectations and needs of others and to keep my sensitive inner world to myself. Moving away from my true self. It has been a true journey of self-discovery learning to embrace and accept my feelings and to act on them.
I discovered how to step into my own authority and trust deeply the guidance within instead of looking outside of myself for answers and confirmation. The path to embracing my hsp has not always been an easy one, but I dared to make authentic choices, connect to my heart and intuition and had the courage to make the necessary changes. Along the way I have experienced panic attacks, burnout and being in unfulfilling long term relationships. It has been a process of growing into myself, listening to my inner wisdom and learning to trust it. All of which has allowed me to follow my soul calling. My personality is passionate, positive and enthusiastic - I’m a big yes to life. I love dancing, singing, creating art and I have a deep soul call to be of service.
Guiding hsp in connecting with their own heart and soul is work I love. My favourite quote is one from Mr Shakespeare himself ‘To thine own self be true’. I could not possibly hope to help others if this was not also the way I live my own life. With truth, deep integrity and purpose.
When you are intrinsically motivated and not looking for live support: Then doing the journey in your own sacred space works best. See what steps speaks to you most and start there.
When you know you need some external input to keep yourself going and would love to work with me in person, then you will like combining it with private sessions or the live online workshops.
When you are not sure yet if the program is a fit for you, but you are curious and longing for a shift in your life: you can also try, there is a 15 day 100% Money Back Guarantee :-). You can also book a free discovery call to get some help with choosing your right fit.
Feel free to book a free 15 min discovery call to connect and see what aligns best for you. Book here
all my love, XO, Sabijn