Private coaching and consulting for professionals gives you the safe space and time to focus on yourself and what you need to gain clarity, transform and take new empowered steps in your personal and professional life.
Experience Clarity, Confidence and Alignment in Action.
I will support you in finding your own answers.
You will experience a deeper believe in yourself and will align with your unique road of joy, meaningfulness and success.
95% of my clients are HSP/Empath Executives, Leaders and Entrepreneurs.
The unique gifts and struggles of being a highly sensitive person and/or empath are key aspects of the sessions, tailored to what you need, so you can step into your full potential.
Prevent overwhelm, create stronger boundaries and release patterns of guilt and comparing.
Create a lifestyle, in work and personal life, that supports your hsp being. Step into the strength of your hsp gifts: Empathy, Creativity and Intuition.
Sessions are possible in my practise in the Amsterdam Area (Haarlem, Kenaupark 22) or via Zoom.
What do clients contact me for?:
The strengths and struggles of High Sensitivity
HSP Lifestyle Design
Relationship and Career questions
Being at a crossroads in life
Lack of Boundaries
Self Worth and Confidence
Integrating Head and Feelings
Healing of old wounds and patterns
Suffering from a strong inner critic
Self- Compassion
Work-Life Balance
Connect with Spiritual Core
I am highly sensitive, an empath and introvert myself, so apart from my expertise as a psychologist and intuitive working in this area since 2000, I know about the struggles and strengths from personal experience too.
My clients describe my coaching style and me as compassionate, grounded, safe, experienced, in depth, honest, with a vast array of practical tools, intuitive, direct, spiritual and with lot’s of laughter.
(for privacy reasons there are no pictures, all reviews are true reviews):
Marieke: I learned to trust myself, get clear on my values and find the courage to follow my heart. I used to put others first, feeling guilty and not wanting to hurt others. This kept me stuck, I was ruminating a lot. Grateful I can now put myself first more. I am more compassionate towards my sensitivity and dare to trust that what is right for me, will in the end also be right for others. I spend way less time in my head. And I met my dream partner not long after making the relationship visionboard!
Adam: Sabijn helped me get clear on HSP Living and what that means for me. I have stronger boundaries, focus on my strengths in work and I feel really ok with my need for digestion time and what nourishes me in that. There is much more compassion and selfcare. I have stopped comparing myself to what others do. I feel lighter, clearer and aligned with who I am and how I want to live.
Maartje: When I came to Sabijn I was struggling as an entrepreneur. With her help I got clear on what wasn't working and what was. And I totally redid my business, focusing on my creativity, freedom and strengths. I have way less stress, more energy, fullfillment and more time with family & friends. I Am finally stepping into being the Artist I am and doing consultancy with all the entrepreneurial experience I have. Loved working in a visual intuitive way in between sessions to create clarity and alignment. Sabijn is great!
Ine: Looking back to my sessions with you a few years ago, I can honestly say it was a very important deep shift in the relationship with myself. It still has deep impact on my relationships and the way I live. I dared to make the difficult decision to end my marriage and I feel so much happier and myself in my current relationship. I also prioritise my boundaries and hsp selfcare now. I have stopped apologizing for what I need.
Ed: Sabijn helped me find clarity in the emotional chaos that was going on in my life. I always left feeling lighter, clearer. I am more compassionate and confident. It saved my marriage. And I am starting my own business now!
Ben: Sabijn is such a warm, experienced and intuitive psychologist. Lot's of laughter. Sessions helped me understand myself and my direction in life and my business. Massive inner and outer growth and I still love the monthly sessions to help me stay focused and aligned.